
Naina's pov:

I opened my eyes lazily when suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my neck.

I rubbed my eyes and found myself on the chair.

Now I remember, I was working on a book yesterday. I don't know when I fell asleep.

I stretched my arms standing from the chair.

My stomach grumbled reminding me that I forgot to eat my dinner. It's not that I did it intentionally I was so engrossed in the work that I didn't feel any hunger till now.

Though some parts are still incomplete I will try my best to do it by evening.

First I need some good breakfast for my energy to return. I went to the washroom to freshen up then changed to grab something for breakfast.

I locked my room, slid my keys in the front pocket and took my volet.

I took a cab and went to a mall since my stock has finished. I was engrossed in my phone walking towards the Spencer, when suddenly I collided with something hard or someone .

"Ouch" I was rubbing my forhead.

"Are you blind Mr.?" I gritted when I saw a person standing infront of me without any sign of remorse.

"First learn to walk like a human rather than being engrossed in your phone completely ignoring the surrounding " he replied folding his arms.

"First of all you should learn some manners and accept your mistakes" I glared at him.

"I don't have time for it. You have already wasted my enough time" He glanced at his watch and walked out completely ignoring my presence.

I was left fuming in anger. How can someone be so arrogant. Not only did he not apologize for his mistake but also insulted me.

How dare he. I stomped my foot and went towards the Spencer.

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