
Siddhartha's pov:

A loud sound of alarm blared in my disturbing my precious sleep but I am not that lucky to take break from my work.

Lazily I threw the duvet away from my body and sat on my bed stretching my arms. I heard a knock and soon a maid came with my morning black coffee the source of my energy.

After freshening up I went to my personal gym connection my Bluetooth with music system and started running on the treadmill.

After 30 mins workout I got an important call from my PA and here I knew a new blunder is waiting for me.

I couldn't help but sigh hearing him and dressed up hurriedly to reach as fast as possible. I was already in a hurry so I skipped my breakfast and thought of having it after the meeting.

I went inside my car and soon the car took its pace after 15 mins we reached the location. I saw my PA already standing at the entrance waiting for my arrival. I went towards him and soon we entered the mall, I was busy instructing him that I didn't notice someone coming in my direction. When I heard someone hissing in pain I then noticed a girl in light blue kurti, open hair, eyes filled with kohl a beautiful dream but as soon as she opened her mouth to speak all I wanted to was disappear from there.

How can someone be so beautiful yet so egoistic. I was shocked this would be an understatement because the moment she started speaking all I wanted was to tie her up and put a tape on her mouth.

Uff!! How can someone speak so much? and most important she wasted my 10 minutes in that silly argument. I was pissed off at her, taking a deep breath to control my raising temper I entered my private room booked at the top most floor where only VVIP are allowed.

I saw two guests waiting for us. I glanced at them and smiled shaking their hand and soon got engrossed in explaining about my project to them.

After the meeting with the investors I directly went to my office.

Fixing my blazer my gaze fell on my watch and with long strides I reached my cabin.

By the time I finished my work it was already quarter to 6.

I stretched my arms and rubbed my forhead as pain in my head has already started pulsating.

I stood up from my seat and went towards the pantry to grab some coffee.

I headed towards the pantry when my gaze fell on a certain girl and my eyes went wide.

I need to escape from here if she saw me she would again create a scene and today I am too tired to handle her.

It's none other than Maira Raichand one of the clingy person on planet earth.

I can't bear her just because of the deal with her father I need to plaster a fake smile across my face and watch her antics.

I turned around ready to leave when suddenly my steps halted hearing the high pitch.

And here we go, I plasterd a fake smile though internally I was weeping.

Why God why? Is something wrong with me why can't I live in peace of a day?

"Hii Siddharth. How are you?"

"Hello Miss Raichand I am all good what about you?"

Though internally I just wanted to say my life is already fucked up please give me some rest by leaving me alone.

"What can I say it was so hectic plus you know these staffs they are just annoying. They don't know how to handle thing. Again I had a mishap a girl just stained my favorite crop top by her dressing I don't even think she could afford it."

Here she goes again complaining about everyone and everything. How can someone be so negative?

I have never seen her appreciating anyone except her dad, according to her she the last perfect person alive and everyone except her dad is incompetent.

I can't help it just few more days until the deal is finalized then I no longer have to see or hear her ranting.

My phone rang and I was thankful to the person who was calling me now.

I excuse myself to pick my phone. It was none other than my mom. I think the saying is true whenever you are in problems you mother will always be the first to know about it.

"Hello mom I.."

"Siddharth please come home your grandmother is not well" she didn't let him complete his sentence and injected in between.

Before he could say anything the call was declined.

He didn't waste much time and ordered his PA to cancel all the meetings as he has to leave urgently.

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